TFC Chat

Justin: If it takes off we'll put the software on all of the sites linked to one channel
jay: hi
Bridge Agents: hi
jay: hiuh
jay: ah there it is
Bridge Agents: LOL
FifthColumnist14: huh
Bridge Agents: Testing
FifthColumnist53: Hi
FifthColumnist54: Hi
FifthColumnist54: TFCchan
Bridge Agents: yep
FifthColumnist55: A/S/L?
Bridge Agents: LOL
Bridge Agents: 97/m/mom's basement
FifthColumnist55: Perfect
Bridge Agents: But yeah this is basically the chat window, and we can have them running on all the sites in like 10 minutes.
Bridge Agents: The forums are literally a rip of myspace and take about a day to bring online.
Bridge Agents: There's a method (somehow) to change your name
FifthColumnist61: Testing...
FifthColumnist61: Well done to those who set this up. Thanks.
DerpyMcDerpface: why-thank-you
DerpyMcDerpface: minishock
DerpyMcDerpface: /help
DerpyMcDerpface: /commands
DerpyMcDerpface: /whois
DerpyMcDerpface: <script>alert('test'wink</script>
TRBT: ...Hi?
Miseraya: oh f**kin' a, y'all did make one
Miseraya: Thanks for looking out for us.