There Will Be A Women’s March Near You This Weekend
World (PT) – No matter where you live in America, there will be a rally happening close by, or at least within road trip distance. The screen shot below is from the Women’s March website. And it depicts the vast amounts of cities in almost every state taking part today and tomorrow. And don’t worry, PT will be out this weekend covering the events.
The 2-day event is catching on around the world as clearly visible with events in Mexico and Canada popping up all over. The website even is having hosts live stream everything to have the world the does not want to be in the streets, watching. Actually, here… the website says it better;
While we would like everybody to participate in Women’s March Global Anniversary events in person, we understand that it is not always possible or practical. If you won’t be able to attend a event, you can still participate over the anniversary weekend by signing up to HOST or JOIN an official LIVE viewing party of Women’s March Global events happening around the world!