African Women are More Active in Politics in Some Countries Than Others

Africa (Conversation) – Women are less likely than men to participate in politics in Africa. This gender gap affects everything from attending community meetings to contacting elected officials, joining others to raise public issues, expressing a partisan preference and even voting. On average, women also participate less than men even when they have the same level of education, are in work, are the same age, and express the same level of interest in political affairs. This gap has important political consequences. The most important is that elected officials are less…

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Nevermind the Wall — They’re Building Warehouses

US (OW) – Most mornings lately, I’ve woken up to two things. First I hear my toddler, sounding off that it’s time to get up. Then I see the news stories about other toddlers our immigration authorities ripped away from their parents. For weeks, I’ve felt the gnawing need to write something, anything, about it. But God, where even to begin? First, there are the stories. The Congolese asylum seeker who heard her six-year-old scream “Don’t take me away from my mommy!” and couldn’t reach her. The woman forced to put her 18-month-old…

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How a Novel Wireless Technology is Helping Conserve Wildlife, Fight Pollution, Save Farmers Money and More

(Ensia) –  The sun beats down on the dried Tanzanian soils. Dust is slowly settling back down to the ground in the wake of a parade of tourists’ vehicles, which are now disappearing over the horizon. It’s dry season in the Serengeti National Park, and safari trucks are groaning under the weight of excited visitors. The park, a World Heritage Site, draws tourists from all over the world. Its ecosystem is carefully managed by hard-working park rangers — a delicate balancing act between wildlife promotion and preservation made even more daunting…

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