Pentagon Wants To Prepare Military Bases For Climate Change

Washington, DC (Pontiac) – Despite climate change denial from Donald Trump, and many of his political associates and supporters… The Pentagon has other idea’s. In fact, the agency is prepping the US military’s vast global network of bases to withstand destructive climate phenomena. Climate change adaption is now a military priority overseas, but not for civilians here at home? Universal symbol to indicate environmental toxicity. Image source; Pixabay According to Washington Post, even Trump-appointed Defense Secretary General James Mattis noted the impact climate change has on national security. The well known…

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I Didn’t Report Being Sexually Assaulted. Here’s Why.

United States (HRW) – US Student Rape Victims Still Need Title IX Eighty percent of female university students who have been sexually assaulted do not report it. I am one of them. Now, I fear that the USDepartment of Education will make it even harder for survivors like me to come forward. During my freshman spring at Dartmouth College, I ran into a man I had only met once at a social gathering. Afterwards, he led me to his room to continue a conversation, but then became aggressive. He repeatedly ignored my…

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President Trump caught rigging Official Presidential Job Performance Survey

(TFC) – The President of the United States is apparently so embarrassed by his recent poll numbers that he set out to create a poll of his own and then he rigged it. If a voter thought they’d be able to express their true feelings through the “Official Presidential Job Performance Survey”, they would be mistaken. Unless they felt he was doing a “great”, “good”, or “okay” job. Any other feeling would be filed under “other”. There was no option presented to provide a negative response. You can access the…

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Don’t Let Home Ec Die – Why We Need to Teach Kids to Cook

(TFC) – With the classrooms filled with technology, students no longer have the opportunities to take basic classes like home economics (aka Home Ec – a class that used to be required core curriculum). But many still feel that it’s important for schools not to let Home Ec die. Why? Because you Home Ec teaches you life skills that aren’t taught anywhere else in most schools. Skills? What Skills? Home Ec class taught students lifelong skills they need to adapt and get by in the adult world. Most employers today utilize…

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