Exclusive: Iraqi irregular forces kidnapping Kurds in Kirkuk

(TFC) – Less than an hour ago, we received a series of messages from one of our affiliated teams of journalists inside Kirkuk. His team has witnessed Hashd Al-Shaabi and other unidentified Iraqi irregulars going door to door and arresting those with Kurdish flags, supporters of the KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party), and others. The forces were also in search of specific people named on a list. The list is said to include Kurdish activists as well as members of the media, although we could not independently verify the list’s contents at the…

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Kurdish War for Independence appears to have started

(TFC) – The War for Kurdish Independence may have started. Iraqi forces attacked oil fields and two military bases in Kirkuk in an attempt to take control of the province. The province has been under Kurdish control since 2014 when the Kurds liberated it from ISIS forces. The province is disputed and this attack was the expected first move for Iraqi forces. While the Iraqi government is claiming its forces were ordered to avoid conflict, that is not what happened, nor is it likely any such order was given. Multiple…

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I survived Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.

Editor’s Note: Jake Reyes runs La Quinta Columna, TFC’s Spanish Edition. He lives in Puerto Rico. The former Marine was on the Island when Maria hit. Here’s his story. (TFC) – It was 2:30 am when the Beast started to attack… at first, it sounded like a giant serpent hiss, and then the roar began… it was like a huge beast destroying everything in its path. The air-conditioner in my room was ripped out by the tremendous force of the winds, leaving a hole. I started screaming at my father while holding…

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The Vegas Shooting: Investigation instead of Speculation

(TFC) – It’s time to separate fact from fiction and plausible from impossible. It’s also time to address some physics that is leading to lots of confusion. The Vegas shooting is the biggest mass shooting since Wounded Knee. With such a tragic event, it stands to reason people would be searching for answers. The answers are only important if you’re asking the right questions. The Fifth Column spoke with several survivors. The stories were harrowing. They all believed a second shooter was on scene. They witnessed carnage and humanity at its finest….

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